What is Maow Club Membership?

A big welcome to Maow Club!

Thank you very much for joining us on this journey, you are going to learn LOTS in the coming months!

Just a reminder on all the amaowsing benefits you get from being part of this fantastic club!

By joining the Maow Club, you will have exclusive monthly access to:

  1. FREE monthly LIVE webinars at least once a month
  2. Unlimited access to our existing courses
  3. Exclusive Maow Club members-only community chat
  4. FREE monthly "Alice's Office Hour" to ask questions 
  5. Discount code for future courses
  6. Priority access to future cat theme events and cat product launches!

You will receive an email from us within 24 hours to have unlock access to all these benefits. In the meantime, if you have any question, contact us on [email protected]

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